
From Rizon Wiki
Revision as of 20:55, 16 March 2016 by BallSac (talk | contribs)
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BallSac is a trash tier rizon user that can be found mostly in trash tier channels with the notable exception of #/g/tv. He enjoys frequent non-consensual sex with his daughters and making awful contributions to the rizon wiki.

Reasons to Live

BallSac has few, if any no reasons to live, here is a short list of the things that keep him going:

  • Raping his daughter
  • Telling people how many balls are in the Sac
  • Posting wagecuck threads on /r9k/
  • Breaking Hochi


As BallSac is a pedophile degenerate rapist, his triggers include asking him about the frequent sexual abuse he inflicts upon his daughters, asking him how many balls are in the sac as well as reminding him that you're sitting at home comfy on rizon while he wagecucks away his life at work.



  • Hochi
  • seventyTwo
  • anyone who values good chats
  • frussif