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Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ

What are the Rizon's offical help channels?

Please visit help channels for the full list. Rizon offers help in various different languages.

How do I deal with trouble makers?

By being a user on an IRC network, you are bound to come across people who are looking to cause nothing but trouble. When you spot users such as these, the first thing you should ask yourself is: "What would be the best and most efficient way to deal with this user?"

Believe it or not, most troublemakers can be dealt with on your own, or with the help of a channel operator. In most cases, doing so is more efficient than reporting the matter to #help or #services, because we will simply tell you to do the same thing. The purpose of this post is to guide you through the steps to taking care of these annoyances.

General Trolls:

Broadly speaking, trolls are users who are looking for trouble. A few examples of what they may do is saying hateful things, angering users, causing disturbances... and the list goes on. Dealing with them is quite simple. Just ban them from the channel, or use /ignore. There is no reason to report them to #help or #services if they are not breaking any network rules, and it ends up wasting everyone's time. Retaliating against them with insults isn't going to make anything better; that's just what they want. Do the mature thing and use /ignore.Do a /whois on the user and find out their host, then ignore them with:

/ignore *!*@host.mask

Occassionally a user will change their host to try and get around the ignore. See the Ban Evaders section for more information. There are also two user modes which will block incoming private messages from unknown users: +G and +g. +g will block private messages from all users who are not on your accept list, and you will be notified every time they try to message you. The command is:

/mode yournick +g

+G is similar to +g, except that it blocks all private messages from users that do not share a common channel with you and that are not on your accept list. The command is:

/mode yournick +G

The command to add a user to your accept list is:

/accept nick

- Contributed by Kokizzzle

How do I embed Rizon webchat to my website?

For those of you who haven't seen our webchat, feel free to check it out at:


Adding webchat to your site is a great way to boost exposure of your channel(s), as well as meeting the average user that goes to your site. You can get to the embed creation wizard by clicking on the arrow button at the top left corner of the page, and clicking "Add webchat to your site".

Because of the recent changes to webchat, you can now allow your users to use the current settings you have set. You could change any option available and have it saved for your users so they use the same specific options. For example, you could save your users from being hassled by the quit popup by hiding it. You can do this through the "Change options" step. For those that still remember the red.html blue.html etc color themes, you can use this function instead and bookmark it.

Through the new update security of our webchat has also been ramped up. It also comes in a SSL version (https://qchat.rizon.net). Whatever data you send will be encrypted through the entire process, so sensitive data like NickServ passwords are protected. Prior to the update data was only protected to the server running the webchat, but not to the IRC server.

Although many networks have banned Mibbit, Rizon will not follow this path. Instead, we feel our webchat is much better, simpler and easier to use. So if you have an embed Mibbit client on your webpage, have a look at our webchat and consider using it instead.

Our webchat also has a dedicated team of coders, and will turn to the needs and features users request.

If you have any questions regarding our webchat, or are having trouble with any aspect of it, feel free to join #Help (you can click on it to join #Help via webchat!) or post in the Help section of these forums.

For those interested in the code of Rizon's qwebirc, it's available at http://code.rizon.net/qchat (note we don't run the stock version, we use our own modifications).

Contributed by Jason

Channel Related FAQ

My channel is being flooded. What do I do?

Note: When reporting to #services, don't paste lines, pastebin them. If you paste lines, it is considered flooding and you will be akilled for 30 minutes.

If your channel is being join flooded: Assign LimitServ to your channel. You can do so via /msg FunServ request LimitServ #yourchannel.

Note: You must be the channel founder to do this. LimitServ sets a limit accordingly so that it won't spam your channel with mode changes, while keeping the flooding out.

In the case that the flooding is join/part, /mode #yourchannel +R and report it to #services immediately (provide logs, nicks, etc).

The +R mode stops non-registered nicks from joining your channel.

If that doesn't work, /mode #yourchannel +i and report the offending nick(s) to #services.

When the flood has stopped, don't forget to unset the modes (replace the + with a -).

If your channel is being text flooded by multiple users:

Set a BotServ kicker for floods and repats.

/bs kick #yourchannel flood on 1 lines seconds (3 lines in 5 seconds is sufficient)

/bs kick #yourchannel repeat on 1 repeats (2 or 3 repeats, depending on how many times the users repeat)

/mode #yourchannel +R also works here, as the users have to join your channel to flood. In the case that this doesn't work, /mode #yourchannel +m. This stops all non-voiced users from talking. If your channel is autovoice for all users, /cs levels #yourchannel set autovoice 3 (you can change it back to 0 later).

Report the flood to #services, and provide logs of the flooding.

In the case that your channel is being targeted by a single user, kickban them. If they manage to rejoin, report them to #services, and provide logs of the kickban up to the rejoin.

Contributed by darkex

A channel operator just abused me by kicking/banning me/removing my operator status/etc. Can I report that person?

From the network's point of view, there is no such thing as "channel operator abuse". Channel operators can do whatever they deem fit in terms of channel moderation.

Does that mean there is nothing I can do about it?

You can talk to the channel's founder. Please refer to Channel Bans.

The founder ignores me/I talked to the founder but it did not get resolved/I believe it would be useless to talk to the founder. What more can I do?

Nothing. You might want to (and should if you are banned) just stay away from that channel. You can always find an alternative channel or create a new one yourself.

I am the founder and I'm blocked out of my channel, what do I do?

You can first try this command if you are not banned from the channel

/msg chanserv clear #channel modes

If you are still not able to join, you can try the commands below according to the error messages in bold:

#channel unable to join channel (invite only)

/msg chanserv invite #channel

#channel unable to join channel (need correct key)

/msg chanserv getkey #channel

You will get a message from chanserv similar to the one below:

-ChanServ- KEY #channel this_is_the_key

You can then join the channel by using the following command:

/join #channel this_is_the_key

#channel unable to join channel (channel is full)

/msg chanserv set #channel mlock -l

Note: this command will remove your previous locked modes.

#channel Cannot join channel (SSL is required)

/msg chanserv set #channel mlock -S

Note: this command will remove your previous locked modes.

#channel unable to join channel (address is banned)

/msg chanserv unban #channel

This one can get a little tricky if someone in your channel runs a bot/script to replace the ban automatically after chanserv removing it. If the error message persists, you can use the following command to check who is replacing the ban:

/msg chanserv checkban #channel

You will get a message from chanserv similar to the one below:

-ChanServ- The ban nick!ident@yourhost.com set by some_nick prevents you from joining #channel.

You can then either choose to talk to some_nick, or remove his op/halfop access.

A user keeps ban evading, what do I do?

This should be obvious, but these troublemakers are users who evade channel bans by changing their nicks, idents, hostmasks, or whatever the ban was set to. Most often, though, they can be kept out by setting a proper ban. Take this for example:

[16:30:54] * righteous sets mode: +b Asmodeus!*@*

[16:30:58] * Asmodeus was kicked by righteous (Asmodeus)

[16:31:37] * Asmodeusss (~You.Know@He.Is.Trying.To.Be.Tough.Guy) has joined #fanclub

See the problem there? That was a poor ban, because it only affected the nick "Asmodeus". The user was able to evade it quite easily just by changing his nick. A better ban would be for *!*@He.Is.Trying.To.Be.Tough.Guy; a ban set on his host. The user could remove the vhost and join the channel with his real host, in which case you should ban that, too. If the evader continues to evade through different hosts and vhosts, please report the matter to #services. Additionally, if you have SOP or Founder status in the channel, you could add the user to the akick list through:

/msg ChanServ akick #channel add nick reason

Spammers keep on coming and spamming my channel, what should I do?

Spammers, by definition, are users who join a channel to paste a link, or some type of advertisement telling users to join a channel or a different network. These cases should be reported to #services on sight. Also, be sure not to click on any spammer's link as it may be harmful to your computer. Here are some examples of a spammer in action:

[16:44:14] * mib_67ee3y (cgiirc@Rizon-61AFC63A.nc.res.rr.com) has joined #fanclub

[16:44:45] mib_67ee3y: Everyone click on this http://viagra-scam.com

[16:44:50] * mib_67ee3y (cgiirc@Rizon-61AFC63A.nc.res.rr.com) has left #fanclub

[16:46:35] * Siesta_00 (qwebirc@Rizon-C7F08090.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #fanclub

[16:46:40] Siesta_00: Join us at #funandpopular@irc.funfun.net for party games!

[16:46:43] * Siesta_00 (qwebirc@Rizon-C7F08090.dyn.optonline.net) has left #fanclub

I couldn't find my issue on here, what do I do now?

For more information, check out Channel Management 101 and Channel Management 102 and Channel Modes

Contributed by guuchan and Kokizzzle

Network Related FAQ

I was banned from Rizon! What do I do?

Please use the webpage http://kline.rizon.net/ in order to report NETWORK related bans. Otherwise, Use Channel Bans instead.

Someone claims that (s)he is an IRC Operator. How can I check if (s)he is one?

Type this command: /whois Someone And if the messages returned contain the following line ({ } = optional): Someone is an IRC Operator {- *****} Then (s)he is an IRC Operator.

Someone is an IRC Operator and claims that (s)he is going to do *something* to me. What can I do?

Unless you have broken our network's rule(s), you should not worry about it.

I think an IRC Operator just abused me! What can I do?

There is only one thing that the majority of IRC Operators (i.e. non-services staff) can do which will directly affect you, and that is /kill. If you did not get killed, it is most likely that no abuse has been involved.

What is "non-services staff"? How many kinds of IRC Operators are there and what can they do?

Please check out Levels of staff for more information regarding this matter.

What is this "drone/flood bot pattern ban" and why does it affect me?

Rizon prevents all kinds of malicious bots, drones, zombies and spambots from accessing the network to protect its users and itself.

To achieve this, regular expressions are used, and even though we of course try to avoid false detections, it's possible that legit users happen to match one of those patterns.

So what do I have to do now in order to be able to connect again without this happening anymore?

Depending on what exactly was causing the pattern match and the resulting ban, you will most likely have to change either your nick, your username, or your realname (gecos).

Here[1] you can see mIRC's option dialog which can be accessed via Tools -> Options -> Connect.

In most cases, the ban was triggered due to all three of the above mentioned things (in mIRC, the part in front of the @ in the 'Email Address' field is used as username) being the same, changing one of them will most likely prevent you from matching the pattern and being banned in the future.

In many other cases, the ban was caused by an additional space in front of the realname as result of a mistake in the USER command sent by some clients and legit bots, if so a (closer) look at the RFC is recommended.

If you are unsure about what might have caused the ban or need assistance in what to do now, you can create a thread in the Help section as described here, otherwise you may have yourself unbanned using the site you were originally linked to in the ban message now.


What is a "BNC"?

BNC is an IRC Bouncer that stays connected 24/7 on IRC, and has the ability to store messages while you are offline.

Is this free? Do I have to pay for it?

No, you do not have to pay for it. Rizon offers this service for FREE.

What are the requirements for an application?

You need to have a registered nick for at least 7 days.

Can I have a bouncer even if I don't connect to it at all?

No, bouncers that are inactive for more than 2 weeks will be deleted.

Can I have your bouncer connect on another network/server?

No, we provide this service for Rizon ONLY.

How do I use it/connect to it?

Instead of connecting on the IRC network, you'll have to connect to the server that has the bouncer installed on a certain port.

For example, connecting to rizonbnc.us.rizon.net on port 1234 without SSL with username "user1" and password "secretpass", you'll do something like this /server rizonbnc.us.rizon.net 1234 user1:secretpass (That stands for mIRC at least, other clients may have /server replaced with something else.).

Note1: if you wish to use SSL, use port 12345.

Note2: If you have been assigned to EU server, then use rizonbnc.eu.rizon.net instead.

How can I read/disable/enable the away message logger?

See /msg *away help Yes, use the *.

Can I see what has been said in a channel while I was not connected?

Yes, you only have to set a buffer for playback for each channel. /msg *status setbuffer #channel 100 that commands make the BNC display you the last 100 messages on the channel upon connect.

How can I request a bouncer account?

Join #RizonBNC and do /msg RizonBNC request [EU/US] If you get an error, follow the instructions that the error message gives you. If not, you will have to wait for the BNC to be activated. Once this has been completed you will receive a memo from MemoServ. Follow the instructions in the memo to connect to your BNC. (To check your memos, /ms read last)

Note: Choose either EU or US, whichever is best for you, or leave it blank for automatic assignment.

I need help with my BNC!

Join #RizonBNC, ask and wait until someone responds.

My BNC was previously approved but it's rejected because of inactivity. How do I get it back?

Ask one of the ops to re-approve your BNC. It is at their discretion whether to re-enable your BNC or not.

How to change my account settings?

http://RizonBNC.us.Rizon.net:1234 or you can do it through /znc help to view your available options. Note: Use the EU server mentioned above if you are assigned on EU one.

I forgot my account password or didn't receive my info at all=

/msg RizonBNC changepass desired_pass_here and then connect using your normal username and new pass to the server you were assigned to.

Note: In order to change password, you must be logged into your nick and to have joined #rizonbnc. Username and password are case-sensitive.

My nick is being used by the BNC, and I forgot the info to login on it! I can't change my password with RizonBNC bot because my nick is not registered!

You can simply group your nick with your main one, and use the changepass command. To group use /msg NickServ group main_nick password

I don't want to be on the E.U. server, I want to use the U.S. one!

Simply ask one of the ops to move you across.

Is there anything else I should know about BNC?

Keep in mind these very important rules:

  • Do not advertise channels, flood or spam, doing so will result in removal of your BNC.
  • Do not use /amsg or /ame (messages all channels), we don't want to see your messages.
  • Normal network rules apply (/motd in your IRC client to view them). Breaking them will result in removal of your BNC and possibly other repercussions.

How can I join my RizonBNC on the go?

For all those of you out there that want to access your BNC from a different computer that doesn't have IRC software installed, you CAN access it from Mibbit or ChatZilla.

If you're out and about and do have an accessible client installed on the computer, issue /server rizonbnc.us.rizon.net 1234

USER:PASS where US is your server location (replace us with eu if you're on the European server), 1234 (+12345 for SSL) the port and

the USER:PASS your login details specified in your BNC application memo.

1. Go to http://mibbit.com/chat/.

2. Click on 'Server' and 'Auth'.

3. Enter 'rizonbnc.us.rizon.net:1234' into the 'Server address' field.

4. Change the dropdown from 'NickServ' to 'Pass'.

5. Enter your RizonBNC password in the format USER:PASS.

6. You won't need to change the nick, and you can leave the channel parameter out. Hit Enter.

For SSL: Change step 3 to 'rizonbnc.us.rizon.net:+12345'. If you don't know what SSL is, then use the normal address.

If you have a EU BNC (all BNCs as of July 2010), use rizonbnc.eu.rizon.net:1234 as the address. EU SSL: rizonbnc.eu.rizon.net:+12345


1. Go to ChatZilla > Preferences.

2. Change the 'Nickname' field to your desired BNC nick. If you do not modify this setting it will change to that nickname as soon as you connect to your BNC.

3. Click OK.

4. In the text bar below, type '/server rizonbnc.us.rizon.net:1234 USER:PASS', and hit Enter.

For SSL: Change step 4 to '/sslserver rizonbnc.us.rizon.net:12345 USER:PASS'. If you get an error about an invalid SSL certificate, just add an exception to it and continue connecting.

If you have a European BNC the address is rizonbnc.eu.rizon.net.

You should be in, if you're not then you typed your user and password incorrectly, or you went to the incorrect server.

Contributed by Kittie and darkex