User Modes

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To set +g on your nickname Nick:

/mode Nick +g

To unset it:

/mode Nick -g

User Modes

Mode Title Description
Modes that prevent certain messages
C No CTCP Blocks incoming CTCPs.
D Deaf Blocks channel messages.
g Caller ID Blocks private messages from users you haven't /accept'ed. Can be edited/removed by typing /accept -nick
G Soft caller ID Blocks private messages from users who you share no channels with and haven't /accept'ed. As above, can be edited/removed by typing /accept -nick
R RegOnly Blocks private messages from unidentified users..
Modes that add privacy
i Invisible Hides you from showing up in a wildcard /who command. (Automatically set on connect.)
p Private Hides your non-common channels, as well as your sign-on and idle time in a /whois yourNick.
x Cloaked Hides part or all of your hostname. (Automatically set on connect.)
Modes only settable by services or servers
r Registered Only set by services. You get this when you are identified to NickServ.
S SSL Only set by the server. You get this when you connect via SSL.
W CGI:IRC Only set by the server. You get this when you connect using either Qchat, RizonBNC, or Mibbit.

Note: Rizon Staff can always Privately Message or CTCP you, and see full whois information.