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Age 22
Hobbies Freifunk
Fun Fact none
Can be found in: #f, #help, #chat
IRC Status Operator, vHost-Team Member, Helpstaff,

Some info

About Me

  • IRC-Nickname: MAGIC, M|AGIC, xnp
  • Main IRC-Channel: #f - Click to join
  • Hobby: Freifunk, (German for: "free radio") is a non-commercial open grassroots initiative to support free computer networks in the German region. Freifunk is part of the international movement for a wireless community network. The initiative counts about 150 local communities with over 25,000 access points. The main goals of Freifunk are to build a network that is decentralized, owned by those who run it and to support local communication. The initiative is based on the Picopeering Agreement.In this agreement, participants agree upon a network that is free from discrimination, in the sense of net neutrality.
  • Work: Electrician
  • Living: Idstein - some town near Frankfurt/Germany

How can I contact you?

Other things

  • I do have a website. Click the link to visit it
  • I own 5 servers. Which ones?
OS RAM CPU Storage Networkspeed IPv4 addresses IPv6 adresses Type of server Notes
ESXi 6.0 128 GB DDR3 ECC 2x Intel® Xeon® E5 2620 v2 3 × 3 TB HDD 1 Gbit/s - Unmetered 4 /48 Dedicated
ESXi 6.0 32 GB DDR3 ECC Intel® Xeon® E3 1231 v3 2 × 2 TB HDD 1 Gbit/s - Unmetered 2 /48 Dedicated
ESXi 6.0 32 GB DDR3 ECC Intel® Xeon® E3 1230 v3 2 × 2 TB HDD 1 Gbit/s - Unmetered 1 /48 Dedicated
ESXi 6.0 8 GB DDR3 ECC Intel® Xeon® E3 1220 v2 2 × 1 TB HDD 1 Gbit/s - Unmetered 2 /48 Dedicated
Debian jessie 768 MB DDR3 Some Intel® 15 GB SSD 1 Gbit/s - 1 TB 1 /64 VPS

Active IRC Bots


Written in Python. And as the name says, you can play UNO with it. Guys in #DontJoinItsATrap wanted some UNOBot again and so I started some opensource project on my server. More info at Invitable via /invite UNOBot #channel and its official channel is #unobot

Random shit

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