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Revision as of 18:18, 4 October 2014 by MAGIC (talk | contribs) (level up)
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Age 20
Hobbies rmv -rf /*
Fun Fact Hates german kiddies
Can be found in: #xnp
IRC Status Helpstaff

Some info

About Me

Hey I am MAGIC, 19yo, living in Germany in a little town near Frankfurt/Main (city with the big airport, you know). In my sparetime I am idling in some IRC channels, playing some games, working as electrian, or meeting friends (yes, that's called reallife guys :]) You can find me in my personal channel (#xnp) or when you /whois me (or not, because I am +p).


  • IRC-Nickname: MAGIC (thanks Holz :])
  • I am sometimes funny
  • Yes, I hate little german kids, who are playing CoD and other games...
  • Be friendly and I am friendly aswell
  • No, I am not gay ;)

How can I contact you?

Other things

  • I have my own website. Click that to visit it, but blame Google for my PHP/Design knowledge :]
  • I own 3 servers/VPS. Which ones? Either you are clever enough to check my page I linked earlier or find the decimals of π (pi). Do you asking yourself why I am not linking my big server to Well I could do it, but why should I CTRL+C my lovely gameservers? If you are curious which output I got after running Click here

Random shit

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Last edit:

-- MAGIC (talk) 07:31, 17 September 2014 (PDT)