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Revision as of 20:15, 27 May 2017 by Underdose (talk | contribs)
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About #UK

  • Founded November 28th 2010
  • Free op day every Sunday
  • Current channel peak: The peak for #uk is 255 users. It was set on 07/Jan/14 at 10:14 PM.
  • Brits get the ability to unban themselves (access level 10) by default.
  • Higher ChanServ access is distributed to high-scoring chatters on the stats page: UK Chanstats

How To Join

Click here to visit #uk via webchat.

If you already have an irc client, click here to connect.
If your irc client does not support irc:// urls, you can simply point it at on port 6667, then /join #uk

Free OP Day

Every Sunday in #UK we have free op day, where access to .op is given to all voiced users; and access to .protect is given to the top 10 on the stats leaderboard.

To take part register your nick, and /msg #uka can I have voice access in #uk?

Stats Leaderboard

This week's winners are:

Lead Op (Level 50): #1 Kale
Ops (Level 41+): #2 SP3 #3 Scientist #4 Nekobot #5 Shampoo #6 BigDawg #7 SCHAPiE #8 Mikoolo #9 Sean #10 xinnie

Lead Halfop (Level 30): #1 Phy
Halfops (Level 21+): #2 Lebluemice #3 Slugs #4 Kait #5 www #6 Andrewshman #7 Beleth #8 MissBailey #9 Naked-sama #10 wednesday

How It Works

After permanent ops, duplicate nicks, bots, and banned users have been filtered from the stats top 50 at UK Chanstats:

The top 10 users are given Operator privileges; with the lead op gaining the ability to kick anonymously using ChanServ.
The top 20 users are given Halfop privileges; with the lead halfop gaining the ability to change the channel topic using ChanServ.
The remaining users are given level 10 access; British users are given this by default!

All ops and halfops are given access to the .access add/del command, with their levels staggered to avoid op vs. op conflict.
This serves the dual purpose of allowing them to reward their friends and allies with upgraded access; and penalise lower ranking users with downgraded or deleted access.
The ops are given access levels from 50 to 41 in descending order.
The halfops are given access levels from 30 to 21 in descending order.

A user's access level can found via .access list username or /cs access #uk list username
It is suggested to penalise/reward users by downgrading/upgrading their access one level at a time.
It's a way to keep score, not a way of settling the score.

Stats are collected over a rolling two week period; so a short absence can cause a drop in your rank.
It's tough but fair, don't take being demoted personally. If you've treated your friends well, it's possible one of them will offer you an upgrade.

Super-Op Election

We're holding an election over the next month to cleanse the access list of inactive users, choose up to three new Super-Ops and grant bonus levels to active users. - Nominations are open!

At the end of the nomination period all users with more than level 10 access who fail to be nominated will have their access reset to level 10.
If you don't want to lose your access, ensure that you have your main nick nominated
You can check on this with /ns glist and set the group's main nick with /ns set display new-display-nick Failing to use the right nick could mean your access is reset by mistake and you have to ask #uka for it back.
If any users who normally have level 70 or greater access are reset then up to three of them will be replaced by the users placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd when voting closes.
If none are reset then only the election winner will receive level 70 and access to #uka.
The first five runners up will get bonus levels automatically added to their access after future stats leaderboard updates, with +5 levels awarded to the first, +5 to the second, etcetera.

Any perm/sops will have the bonus added to their current access level; it will revert to an auto-bonus if they lose permops. They will also be considered 'runners up' even if they place in the top 3, with the first non-sop user being considered the overall winner and gaining level 70 access.
To give everyone a chance to retain their access, nominations will take place over a period of three weeks.

The nomination phase started Sunday 28/05/17 and will close Sunday 18/06/17
The voting phase will start Sunday 18/06/17 and will close Sunday 25/06/17.

How to Participate

To see the list of nominees type:


To nominate someone who you would like to retain their access and/or win:

!nominate nick

where nick is the nominee you want to win.



During previous elections there were many complaints from other channel owners about spam.
To combat this, anyone who does spam in a way that publicly shames #UK will be akicked; and the people who report the spam will decide the ban length. HISTORICALLY AT LEAST ONE PERSON IS AKICKED PER ELECTION; DON'T BE THAT GUY.

Election spam includes but is not limited to:
Mentioning #uk by name in other channels whilst soliciting nomination/votes
Bulk private messaging multiple users soliciting nomination/votes
Repeatedly harassing individual users or channels for votes.
Continuing to spam after being warned by a +q user will be considered Cheating.


Non-nominee users found cheating or attempting to cheat will be penalised 10 access levels, with the penalty doubling for each repeat after the user is first penalised.
If a user's access level drops below zero, the user will be akicked for the equivalent number of days.

Nominees found cheating will be penalised 10 access levels and 10 votes; with the above also applying.
If a nominee's votes drop below zero, they will be disqualified from the election. This will cause their access to be reset to level 10 before the access penalty is applied and likely result in an akick so DON'T BE THAT GUY.
