Services Commands

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NickServ Commands

Register your nickname

This command registers your nickname into the Rizon database and makes sure no other user is able to use this nickname. However, Please be aware that nicks expire after 90 days of non-usage.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ REGISTER password [email]
    • Example: /msg NickServ REGISTER mypasswordatrizon
      • Please be aware that the email must be valid as confirmation number sent to this email must be verified in order for the registration process to complete.
  • Usage: /msg NickServ CONFIRM [confirmation code]
    • Example: /msg NickServ CONFIRM 20sik25t2

Resend confirmation code

This command resends the confirmation code to your registered email. If you entered invalid email address, you can use Cancel and re-register with your valid id.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ RESEND

Identify your nickname

Now that you have [registered] your [nickname], it is very important to remember to identify EVERYTIME you access Rizon. The password in this case is the password you supplied during nick registration.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password
    • Example: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY mypasswordatrizon

Group nickname

This command groups your CURRENT nickname with your TARGET nickname.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ GROUP TARGET password
    • Please be aware that grouping your existing nick to a newnick will make your old nick and new nick loose all held privelleges in all channels.
      • Example: Your main nickname is OldNick which holds access to all your channels (op in some channel, voice in another etc) and you logonto rizon with NewNick, you would now like to have same permissions as your oldnick, you would have to do /msg NickServ group OldNick oldnickspassword.

Recover nickname

If you logon to [Rizon] and notice your [Registered] [nickname] is being used by another user. You can have services retreive this nickname for you through recover. Alteratively, you could use [ghost] in order to recover your nickname.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ RECOVER [nickname] password
    • Example: /msg NickServ RECOVER OldNick mypasswordatrizon

Following recover, services holds your nickname for one minute. In order to release your nickname sooner:

  • Usage: /msg NickServ RELEASE [nickname] password
    • Example: /msg NickServ RELEASE OldNick mypasswordatrizon


Ghost command is useful when a "ghost" of your nick is present on IRC. The ghost is not really connected but IRC assumes it to be. This could be due to various different reasons such as internet issue, abrupt shutdown, or another user using your nick. Unlike recover, ghost allows you to reclaim your nick right away.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ GHOST nickname password
    • Example: /msg NickServ GHOST OldNick mypasswordatrizon

Access List

This command lists the channels the nickname has access on:

  • Usage: /msg NickServ ALIST

Nick information

If you would like to know information about a nick which is registered (last time seen, when it was registered), you can use the command info.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ INFO nick
    • Example: /msg NickServ INFO OldNick
    • This will return Information about OldNick such as
    • -NickServ- OldNick is oldnick
    • -NickServ- Last seen address:
    • -NickServ- Time registered: Nov 27 13:29:55 2005 MST
    • -NickServ- Last seen time: Dec 13 09:54:12 2010 MST


If you would like to logout of services, you can use the command logout. This command makes you not recognized as the owner of the nick.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ LOGOUT
  • Note: You must be logged on in order to use this command.


Use this command If you would like to drop your nickname for any reason. Please note that the effects of this command are irreversible and you will loose ALL current access to all channels.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ DROP nickname
    • Example: /msg NickServ DROP OldNick
    • Note: As a security measure, You will be asked to verify drop command in order to complete the drop procedure.

ChanServ Commands

Register a channel

Users can use services in order to claim/register an empty channel. Registering a channel keeps the channel name save for the user and gives them the ability to use variety of different Rizon services.

  • Usage: /msg ChanServ REGISTER #channel password description
    • Example: /msg ChanServ REGISTER #newchannel mynewpassword A brand new channel
    • This allows you to register the channel #newchannel with password mynewpassword and with description "A brand new channel". You must be an operator in #newchannel and the channel must not be already registered.

Identify as channel owner

This command allows you to identify to ChanServ as the owner of the channel. You must have the channel password in order to use this command.

  • Usage: /msg ChanServ IDENTIFY #channel password
    • Example: /msg ChanServ IDENTIFY #rizonchannel rizonpassword

Unban User from Channel

If you have been banned out of a channel and currently have access on that channel, you can use the unban option to unban yourself. This command can also be used to unban any nickname or hostmask.

  • Usage: /msg ChanServ UNBAN #channel [nickname|hostname]
    • Example: /msg ChanServ UNBAN #rizonchannel OldNick
    • Example 2: /msg ChanServ UNBAN #rizonchannel *!*@*

Invite user to a channel

This command is allows you to invite yourself to a channel (imagine invite only channel) if you have sufficient access.

  • Usage: /msg ChanServ INVITE #channel
    • Example: /msg ChanServ INVITE #rizonchannel
    • Note that this will only work if you have sufficient access on #rizonchannel

Channel getkey

This command allows you to get key (+k) of channel if you have sufficient access on the channel.

  • Usage: /msg ChanServ GETKEY #channel
    • Example: /msg ChanServ GETKEY #rizonchannel


Tells ChanServ to clear certain settings on a channel.

  • Usage: /msg ChanServ CLEAR #channel setting
  • Note: This is by default limited to channel founders and Setting can be one of the followings:
    • MODES Resets all modes on the channel (i.e. clears modes i,k,l,m,n,p,s,t)
    • BANS Clears all bans on the channel.
    • EXCEPTS Clears all excepts on the channel.
    • OPS Removes modes of users with (o, a, q); lowest to highest and one at a time.
    • HOPS Removes channel-halfoperator status (mode +h) from all channel halfoperators, if supported.
    • VOICES Removes "voice" status (mode +v) from anyone with that mode set.
    • USERS Removes (kicks) all users from the channel.
    • NONSSL Removes (kicks) all non-ssl users from the channel.
      • Example: /msg ChanServ CLEAR #rizonchannel USERS

For more commands, visit Channel Management 101 and Channel Management 102

MemoServ Commands

MemoServ allows you to send and receive short messages to/from other IRC users or channels, even when they are offline at the time they're sent a memo, they can read it as soon as they come online.

In order to be able to send and receive memos, you need to have identified to a registered nickname.

SEND - Sending a memo to a nick or channel: Syntax: /msg MemoServ SEND nick|#channel memo text Example: /msg MemoServ SEND Peter I'm missing you!

Cancel a memo

Cancelling the last unread memo you sent to a nick or channel:

  • Syntax: /msg MemoServ CANCEL nick|#channel
    • Example: /msg MemoServ CANCEL Peter

List Memos

Listing all or only particular memos you have or a given channel has received:

  • Syntax: /msg MemoServ #channel LIST|NEW
    • Example: /msg MemoServ LIST NEW

Note: new lists only new (unread) memos, list 2-4 lists memos numbered 2 through 4. If neither new nor a list is given, all memos will be listed, unread memos are marked with a * to the left of the memo number.

Read memos

Reading particular memos you or a channel received:

  • Syntax: /msg MemoServ READ #channel NUM|LIST|LAST|NEW
    • Example: /msg MemoServ READ new

Deleting Memos

Deleting particular memos you or a channel received:

  • Syntax: /msg MemoServ DEL #channel NUM|LIST|LAST|NEW
    • Example: /msg MemoServ DEL 2

Memo Option Settings

Setting various memo options:

  • NOTIFIY - Changing when you will be notified about new memos:
    • Syntax: /msg MemoServ SET NOTIFY ON|LOGON|NEW|OFF
      • ON: notification on logon, unsetting /away, and when they are sent to you.
      • LOGON: notification on logon, and unsetting /away
      • NEW: notification when they are sent to you
      • OFF: no notification at all
    • Example: /msg MemoServ SET NOTIFY NEW
  • LIMIT - Setting the maximum number of memos you or the given channel can receive:
    • Syntax: /msg MemoServ SET LIMIT #channel LIMIT
    • Example: /msg MemoServ SET LIMIT 5

Note: You cannot set the limit any higher than 20. Setting it to 0 won't allow anyone to send you a memo.


Viewing your (or if given a channel's) amount of (unread) memos, the memo limit, and your notification setting:

  • Syntax: /msg MemoServ INFO #channel
    • Example: /msg MemoServ INFO

Memo Status

Checking whether the last memo you sent to a user has been read or not:

  • Syntax: /msg MemoServ CHECK nick
    • Example: /msg MemoServ CHECK Peter

BotServ Commands

BotServ allows you to have a bot on your own channel. It has been created for users that can't host or configure a bot, or for use on networks that don't allow users bot. Bot will join a channel whenever there is at least 1 user(s) on it. You can also set a badwords list to kick someone whenever they say a "badword".

Note: Users can request a custom botname if they have 150 or more users in their channel.

To assign a BotServ bot, use

/msg BotServ ASSIGN #channel BOT

  • where #channel is the name of the channel you are assigning it to and bot is the bot you are assigning.

To list available bots use

/msg BotServ BOTLIST

Note: Since the introduction of new services featuring fantasy commands, all commands of the syntax /msg ChanServ COMMAND #YOURCHANNEL [PARAMETERS] will become .COMMAND [PARAMETERS]. All commands that are available in /msg ChanServ HELP can be used in-channel EXCEPT IDENTIFY, for obvious reasons.

Channel Status Commands

Giving/removing modes to/from a user or yourself if nick is not specified, requires you to have sufficient access on the channel:

  • Voice + (+v)
    • .voice nick
    • .devoice nick
  • Halfop % (+h)
    • .halfop nick
    • .dehalfop nick
  • Op @ (+o)
    • .op nick
    • .deop nick
  • Protected/Admin & (+a) Note: Requires protectmode to be enabled.
    • .protect nick
    • .deprotect nick
  • Owner ~ (+q) Note: Requires ownermode to be enabled.
    • .owner
    • .deowner

Kicking & Banning Commands

Kicking a user from the channel via Bot-/ChanServ with an optional reason:

  • .kick nick reason


  • .k nick reason

Kicking and banning a nick from the channel via Bot-/ChanServ with an optional reason:

  • .kickban nick reason


  • .kb nick reason

Access Commands

Viewing the channel's access list, optionally you can view the access level of a particular nick or list entry only:

  • .access list NICK|NUMBER

Adding a nick to the access list:

  • .access add NICK LEVEL

Default levels: (3 = voice (+), 4 = halfop (%), 5 = op (@), 10 = protected op/admin (&))

Deleting a nick from the access list:

  • .access del NICK|NUMBER

Clearing the access list:

  • .access clear

Akick Commands

Viewing the channel's akick list, optionally you can view the akick entry of a particular nick or list entry only:

  • .akick list NICK|NUMBER

Viewing the channel's akick list, more detailled than .akick list, optionally you can view the akick entry of a particular nick or list entry only:

  • .akick view NICK|NUMBER

Adding a nick or usermask to the akick list with an optional reason:


Deleting a nick/usermask or list entry from the akick list:


Clearing the channel's akick list:

  • .akick clear

Enforcing an akick on users matching an entry on the akick list who is currently on the channel:

  • .akick enforce

Setting a permanent channel ban for an akicked usermask: (If someone tries to remove the ban it will automatically be set again.)

  • .akick stick USERMASK

Removing the stick, the ban will be allowed to be removed again.

  • .akick unstick USERMASK

Note: This does not remove the akick.

Miscellaneous Commands

Checking when a user was last seen on the channel:

  • .seen NICK

Note: The specified user has to be on the channel's access list.

Viewing information about the channel:

  • .info

Viewing more detailed information about the channel:

  • .info ALL

Note: Requires founder status by default.

If you have a BotServ bot on your channel but these commands still don't work for you, assure that fantasy mode is enabled: /msg BotServ SET #channel FANTASY ON

HostServ Commands

Request vHost

In order to request a vHost from HostServ, use the command request:

  • Usage: /msg HostServ REQUEST
    • Example: /msg HostServ REQUEST

vHost is approved by Rizon Staff and most meet requires described at vhost

vhost on

Approval/Rejection of vhosts are sent in memos and if your vhost has been approved, you can use the following commands to turn it on:

  • Usage: /msg HostServ ON

vhost off

If you would like to turn off your vhost for whatever rease, use the following:

  • Usage: /msg HostServ OFF

vhost group

This commands allows users to sync vhost for all the nicks in their group. It will set the CURRENT nick's vhost to all the group members.

  • Usage: /msg HostServ GROUP

FunServ Commands

FunServ is a custom service provided for Rizon users. FunServ includes LimitServ, Stats, Quotes, and Trivia.

  • Usage: /msg FunServ help

This command lists the basic usage of all FunServ services. It is however important to note that only channel founders are allowed to request FunServ services.


Trivia simply allows Trivia to be held in channel on various different topics.

To assign Trivia to your channel, use the following commands:

  • Usage: /msg FunServ request trivia #channelname
    • Example: /msg FunServ request trivia #rizonchannel

Some of the other commands that can be used in channel to customize Trivia are:

  • .help trivia - Will list all trivia commands.
  • .trivia [number] - to start playing.
  • .strivia - to stop current round.
  • .topten or tt - lists top ten players.
  • .rank [nick] - shows yours or given nicks current rank.
  • .next - skips question.
  • .themes - lists available question themes.
  • .theme set <name> - changes current question theme (must be channel founder).

The current question themes in which we have are:

  • Theme: Anime, 2323 questions.
  • Theme: default, 79015 questions.
  • Theme: Geography, 122 questions.
  • Theme: History, 64 questions.
  • Theme: LOTR-Books, 800 questions.
  • Theme: LOTR-Movies, 455 questions.
  • Theme: Movies, 731 questions.
  • Theme: Naruto, 918 questions.
  • Theme: ScienceAndNature, 96 questions.
  • Theme: Simpsons, 249 questions.
  • Theme: Stargate, 2082 questions.

In order to remove Trivia from your channel, please use the following commands: /msg FunServ remove Trivia


Rizon stats bot logs channels and updates channel stats every 24 hours. An Example of channel stats generated by the bot can be viewed at

To assign the bot to your channel, use the following command: Usage: /msg FunServ request stats #channelname

In order to get the link of stats at any time, type .stats in channel and Stats bot will notice you the stats link.

In order to remove stats bot from your channel, use the command: Usage: /msg FunServ remove #channelname


LimitServ Bot constantly keeps a limit on the channel in order to avoid floods. It is recommended that users requesting this bot AT LEAST have 5 users in their channel.

In order to request this bot, use the following commands: Usage: /msg FunServ request LimitServ #channel

In order to remove the LimitServ bot at any time, use the command: Usage: /msg FunServ remove LimitServ #channel


Internets is a Rizon internet bot which comes with many various different commands, such as google, bash, qdb, urbandictionary, and fml.

Requesting Internets

Internets is not part of FunServ, please follow the following commands

To have Internets join your channel, please type in the following command.

/msg Internets request #channel

To have it leave,

/msg Internets remove #channel

Internets Features


Search google

Usage: .google <what to search for>

Example: [Jason] .google Rizon IRC

[Internets] Welcome to Rizon :: @ || LAUNCH Rizon IRC - Welcome to Rizon :: @ || Rizon - IRC Network - @ || #pancakes - Rizon - IRC Directory - @

Display a random quote from

Usage: .bash random


[Jason] .bash random

[Internets] [15798] <EnemyFC> can you feel the love i'm excreting from my pores?

[Internets] [15798] <Cobra> I'm just glad you aren't excreting it from other places o_O

Search for specific quote

Usage: .bash search <string>


[Jason] .bash search rizon

[Internets] Bash quotes found matching "rizon":

[Internets] 572509 257863 38382 77265 34310 18406 8009 31291 2183 22827 40125 2351 36914 40526 22003 144842

Display a specific quote number

Usage: .bash #number#


[Jason] .bash 257863

[Internets] [257863] <x-horizon> I was reading a magazine at work while my boss came to my office and asked me why I am not working...

[Internets] [257863] <x-horizon> I said "I didn't see you coming, sir"


Display a random quote from qdb

Usage: .qdb random


[Jason] .qdb random

[Internets] [6176] <Hostile> when i woke up i found pictures of Salma Hayek, A turkish guy's

[Internets] [6176] page and my flip flop in my scanner

Search qdb for specific quote

Usage: .qdb search <string>


[Jason] .qdb search rizon

[Internets] QDB quotes found matching "rizon":

[Internets] 38918 2183 19478 30588 2351 8009 42967 18406 46479 48577 46537 50021 32952 71255

Display specific quote from qdb

Usage: .qdb <number to display>


[Jason] .qdb 19478

[Internets] [19478] * Straylight hate hate HATES Verizon ads

[Internets] [19478] <+Straylight> CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?

[Internets] [19478] <+Straylight> SCREW YOU THEN

Urban Dictionary

Search for a word on urban dictionary

Usage: .urban <word>

Example: [Jason] .urban jason

[Internets] [1/7] the only name that can be spelled through 5 months of the year.; J - July; A - August; S- September; O - October; N - November; Jason is a very unique name

For words with multiple definitions, allows you to show other definitions

Usage: .urban #number# <word>


[Jason] .urban 4 jason

[Internets] [4/7] Leader of the Argonauts; Legendary Hero associated with Greek Mythology; Same level as Hercules, Ulysses, and Achilles; Smart, Sexy, Very Handsome person; often RF Engineer by day and gigaloo by night. Admired and idolized by many.; I wish I could be like Jason.; Jason is my American Idol.; You are so Jason I'm jealous!


Display a random quote from FML

Usage: .fml random


[Jason] .fml random

[Internets] [1313726] Today, I had to go visit my grandma. While in her bathroom, the floss I was using cut my gum, I then proceded to make sounds of slight pain. My grandma was, at the same moment, walking by and said "Don't masturbate in side of my bathroom you sick teen!" Now my grandma thinks I am a sexual pervert. FML

Display a specific quote from FML

Usage: .fml 3826223


[&Golden|Wolf] .fml 3826223

[Internets] [3826223] Today, I was getting a haircut. I had my foils in for about 10 minutes when the fire alarm went off. The building then started to fill with smoke and we evacuated. While outside watching the fire being put out, I forgot about my foils. I now have bright bleached yellow and orange hair. FML


Display a weather from specific city/zipcode

Usage: .weather <zipcode/city name>


[Jason] .weather 90210

[Internets] Weather for Beverly Hills, CA 90210: Current: 78°F, Clear, Wind: SE at 0 mph, Humidity: 50%

[Jason] .weather panama city, fl

[Internets] Weather for Panama City, FL: Current: 91°F, Cloudy, Wind: W at 1 mph, Humidity: 59%

Translate text from one language to another

Usage: .translate textlanguage|targetlanguage <string>


[Jason] .translate en|es What is your name?

[Internets] [en|es] -> ¿Cómo te llamas?

[Jason] .translate es|en What is your name?

[Internets] [es|en] -> What is your name?

List of languages supported.

sq Albanian

ar Arabic

bg Bulgarian

ca Catalan

zh-CN Chinese

hr Croatian

cs Czech

da Danish

nl Dutch

en English

et Estonian

tl Filipino

fi Finnish

fr French

gl Galician

de German

el Greek

iw Hebrew

hi Hindi

hu Hungarian

id Indonesian

it Italian

ja Japanese

ko Korean

lv Latvian

lt Lithuanian

mt Maltese

no Norwegian

fa Persian ALPHA

pl Polish

pt Portuguese

ro Romanian

ru Russian

sr Serbian

sk Slovak

sl Slovenian

es Spanish

sv Swedish

th Thai

tr Turkish

uk Ukrainian

vi Vietnamese