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# 1.  No Flooding, Spamming Or Any Attacks
-1.  No Flooding, Spamming Or Any Attacks

# 2.  No harassing or bullying
-2.  No harassing or bullying

# 3.  What happens outside #ComputerTech, Stays outside it
-3.  What happens outside #ComputerTech, Stays outside it

# 4.  All rules and actions, can either be slackened or strengthened to the discretion of Staff
-4.  All rules and actions, can either be slackened or strengthened to the discretion of Staff

# 5.  We hold no responsibility, of what happens inside #ComputerTech
-5.  We hold no responsibility, of what happens inside #ComputerTech

Revision as of 11:06, 21 February 2021

   _  _      ____                                       _                   _____                 _     
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  |_||_|    \____|  \___/  |_| |_| |_| | .__/   \__,_|  \__|  \___| |_|      |_|    \___|  \___| |_| |_|


A friendly channel for all topics and users


-1. No Flooding, Spamming Or Any Attacks

-2. No harassing or bullying

-3. What happens outside #ComputerTech, Stays outside it

-4. All rules and actions, can either be slackened or strengthened to the discretion of Staff

-5. We hold no responsibility, of what happens inside #ComputerTech