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Revision as of 21:44, 9 November 2011 by Tanamifag (talk | contribs) (→‎Bollox)
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| Because getting a blog is too much effort|___/   |

About #Lobby

Founded on October 14th 2011, #Lobby is Rizon's finest open topic channel.
High-activity: #Lobby is a near-permanent fixture in Chanstats' Rizon top 20 and to date, has peaked at #4 out of 161 channels.
High-growth: Without mass-inviting, #Lobby has already peaked at 49 users within it's first month.
Informal, Friendly Atmosphere: Regularly found with an empty banlist; #Lobby is the relaxed alternative to larger, stricter discussion channels.
Fast paced entertainment: When there is group consensus (minimum 5 players), LHI's MafiaZone provides an exciting interactive whodunnit murder-mystery game, with different roles and commands issued in secret, against a backdrop of vote casting and psychological trickery.
Simple Rules: If it doesn't disrupt the flow of conversation, it's fine.
Join and make some friends!

Current Events

November Giveaway

To help spread the word about #Lobby we're giving away free auto-halfop to anyone who brings somebody new into the channel in November!

Haflops who don't draw complaints will be able to keep their demi-god powers into the future.
Serial halfop abusers will have open season declared on them, and will likely have to enable autorejoin.

The Big Sunday Hilight

Sunday nights, we will be hilighting users in advance of mafia games.

Hilights will be sent through the services bot, so you can safely ignore it beforehand with: /ignore war
War doesn't normally speak, so this will be no great loss to you!


Founders: Underdose, Siouxsie
Teacher's Pet: Rikku
Admins: Someguy123, Dwarf, davex, Coconuthead93, Sane, Khorn
Ops: LHI, [Harlot], Baradium, Rfw
Halfops: Well, there are a lot!



Commands: http://drossnet.net/mafia/commands.html
Player Stats: http://drossnet.net/mafia_stats/


Channel Statisics: http://chanstat.net/stats/rizon/lobby
Rizon Top Channels: http://chanstat.net/rank/rizon
Chanstat Commands: http://chanstat.net/faq


Triggers: tinyurl.com/BolloxTriggers

Help I'm Banned!

Try talking to the person that banned you, ask them how long you're banned for; or wait until tomorrow and and ask somebody else.
Be nice, it helps.