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Revision as of 11:37, 27 December 2011 by CuleX (talk | contribs) (Remove syntax (dj said it's confusing to people without programming experience), add more examples and move -*/+* to examples)
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The FLAGS system is a way to control access to a channel. To enable the FLAGS mode, use the following command:

/msg ChanServ SET #channel ACCESSTYPE FLAGS

substituting the name of your channel for #channel.

The FLAGS command

The ChanServ FLAGS command allows you to control very precisely what users get what permissions. You can only use this command if ACCESSTYPE FLAGS is enabled, as demonstrated above.

When called without any arguments, FLAGS will list the current list of users with flags and what flags they have:

/msg ChanServ FLAGS #channel

Access listing

You can get the full list of all users with access and their flags with:

/msg ChanServ FLAGS #channel

If you are just looking for one particular user's flags, you can just append the user's nick:

/msg ChanServ FLAGS #channel nick

Access manipulation

To give someone auto-op and the ability to invite people using ChanServ, use the following command:

/msg ChanServ FLAGS #channel nick +Oi

To remove these flags, you would use the same command, but instead of +Oi, use -Oi.

Adding a user with all flags but +b (auto kickban):

/msg ChanServ FLAGS #channel nick +*

To remove all access flags from a user, use:

/msg ChanServ FLAGS #channel nick -*

Finally, to clear all the access flags of the channel, use the *CLEAR command, like this:

/msg ChanServ FLAGS #channel *CLEAR

List of possible flags

o User is allowed to use the OP and DEOP commands
O User gets auto op
h User is allowed to use the HALFOP and DEHALFOP commands
H User gets auto halfop
v User is allowed to use the VOICE and DEVOICE commands
V User gets auto voice
a User is allowed to use the PROTECT and DEPROTECT commands
A User gets auto protected
s User can use the SET command
i User can use the INVITE command
i User can use the GETKEY command
r User can use the KICK command
r User can use the BAN command
R User can use the CLEAR command
f User can change other users access
t User can use the TOPIC command
l User can view the access list
b User can not join
B User has access to the fantasy commands
S User has access to the SAY/ACT commands
G Users greet is shown to the channel when they join
K User has access to the AKICK command
u User has access to the UNBAN command