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About Us

Most of the current staff of EliteBNC came together volunteering their servers and/or services for other free bouncer services, including GeekBouncer, BNC4FREE, PanicBNC, and others. In late January of 2012, Robby and Armageddon decided to start this service, with a better commitment to not just supporting the users, but stronger stability of the service itself. We took extra time to get this service set up properly instead of just rushing into things, and that has reflected in the product we bring to you. The service officially opened February 6th, 2012, at Noon, U.S. Eastern Time. In the months after we openned, new innovations came about (such as the globally installed *admin module for our users, modified *nickserv module to allow using the /ns alias instead of /msg NickServ for those nets that don’t accept the latter, internal *report module so users don’t have to join one of our IRC channels to report a problem, pre-loading of the *q module for our QuakeNet users, pre-loading of the *nickserv module for networks using NickServ services, pre-loading of the *chansaver module on all users, channel settable *buffextras module, and more), and the response has been above expectations. We are sure you will enjoy your stay with us.

We welcome you to be part of the Elite… EliteBNC!


Robby (USA) – Owner, General Manager, Accounts Administrator, Email Manager, Website Administrator, Servers Administrator, Service Bot Developer, Owner of Chi/Delta/Epsilon/Kappa/Omega/Rho/Sigma/Theta servers, staff on AtomicEdge/Rizon/Abjects IRC networks.
Boomer` (AUS) – [elitebnc.org] Domain Owner, Accounts Administrator, Email Manager, Channel Support Specialist.
RyanKnack (USA) – Accounts Administrator, ZNC/Module Testing Technician, Channel Support Specialist, Owner of Pi/Zeta servers, PanicBNC staff, EsperNet staff.
rails (AUS) – Owner of Lambda/Mu/Nu/website servers, Hosting Owner, Servers Administrator/Technician, Accounts Administrator, Help Specialist, Staff on the Rizon, AtomicEdge, and Kottnet IRC networks.
Joshua (USA) – Accounts Administrator, Help Specialist, [elitebnc.com] Domain Owner, Former owner of DFTBNC.
ChasedSpade (USA) – Accounts Administrator, Help Specialist, Servers Administrator/Technician, PanicBNC Staff, AtomicEdge IRC Staff.
Isiah (USA) – Accounts Administrator, Former co-owner of LayerBNC.
MAGIC (GER) - Accounts Administrator.

Honorary Staff

Telume (USA) – Owner of Alpha server, AtomicEdge Owner
Krashed and cantchoos (USA) – Owner of Gamma server.

Server Locations/IP Counts:

Alpha – Atlanta, Georgia, United States – 3 IPv4, 7 IPv6 (Ramnode)
Chi – Ashburn, Virginia, United States - 2 IPv6 (Psychz)
Delta – Las Vegas, Nevada, United States – 4 IPv4, 6 IPv6 (BuyVM)
Epsilon – Atlanta, Georgia, United States – 4 IPv4, 16 IPv6 (Ramnode)
Gamma – Montreal, Quebec, Canada – 2 IPv4, 8 IPv6 (OVH)
Kappa – Miami, Florida, United States – 2 IPv4, 8 IPv6 (Quadranet)
Lambda – London, United Kingdom – 25 IPv6, each IP on a different /64 (Linode)
Mu - Sydney, Australia - 2 IPv4, 4 IPv6 (Vultr)
Nu – London, United Kingdom – 25 IPv6, each IP on a different /64 (Linode)
Omega – Alblasserdam, Netherlands – 4 IPv4, 16 IPv6 (Ramnode)
Pi – Gravelines, France – 12 IPv4 (OVH)
Rho – Frankfort, Germany – 2 IPv4, 8 IPv6 (Vultr)
Sigma – New York City, New York, United States – 2 IPv4, 8 IPv6 (Ramnode)
Theta – Seattle, Washington, United States – 3 IPv4, 7 IPv6 (Ramnode)
Xi – Los Angeles, California, United States – 2 IPv4, 8 IPv6 (Ramnode)
Zeta – Strasbourg, France – 8 IPv4, 8 IPv6 (OVH)

All IPv6′s are native. All servers except Pi have at least a /64 for use. Lambda and Nu have /56.


1) Each user is restricted to 1 account per IRC network, 4 accounts total unless other arrangements are made. Attempted hoarding of accounts may result in you being banned from our service.
2) Do not break any rule of the IRC network your account is assigned to. This includes ban evading, spamming, repeated flooding, harassment of the network’s staff, or any other rules the IRC network may have in place.
3) Do not use our service for anything illegal, such as filesharing, child pornography, or soliciting children in an inappropriate manner. This will lead to your immediate removal from our service.
4) Our service bot monitors account activity (connecting IPs, time online/offline. We do NOT log text, either on channel, query or otherwise as per User Privacy regulations). We know when an account is banned/z:lined/k:lined/etc. This may lead to your account being removed, or at minimum blocked until we know the reason the IRC network took that action. G:lines for “too many host connections” or similar kills that are usually the result of issues on the network’s end are not counted.
5) Any account not accessed (used via IRC client) after 5 days of being accepted will be deleted as an ‘unused account’. Setting it up via the webpanel and parking it in channels does not count as being accessed. If you do not receive the information email or have problems accessing your account, please contact the staff.
6) Any account less than 180 days old that is idle for 30 days or more will be auto-removed unless you contact the staff. If you have had your account for 180 days, the idle time is 45 days before being removed, or if over 1 year old the idle time is 60 days. Lottery and users that have made donations get at least 90 days idle time.
7) Any ‘parking’ account set up then idle for 7 or more days will be removed. If you don’t use it, you lose it.

We do not allow our users to change their IRC servers on their own. If you need to have the IRC server changed or additional servers for the same IRC network added, please contact staff in one of the IRC #EliteBNC channels (see the list on our home page), or via email at: elitebnc [at] cfl [dot] rr [dot] com.

Thanks, EliteBNC staff.