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Revision as of 23:09, 18 February 2024 by End3r (talk | contribs) (→‎Admins)
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   _  _      ____                                       _                   _____                 _     
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A friendly and inclusive IRC channel for multi-cultural discussions on a variety of topics.

1. The #ComputerTech channel is intended for individuals who are at least 18 years of age.
2. Conflicts or controversies unrelated to the #ComputerTech channel, shall be kept outside at all times.
3. Prohibited behavior includes any form of racism, hate speech, threatening language, or general insults.
4. Advertising is only permitted with the prior approval of a staff member.
5. The act of flooding and spamming is strictly prohibited, and the definition of such actions may be determined by staff at any time.
6. Staff discretion determines and addresses inappropriate conduct, including violations, as they deem necessary.
7. It is not welcome to engage in discussions related to sensitive topics, including but not limited to politics and religion, within this context.

The rules and regulations of this channel may be subject to modification or adjustment at any time, as determined by the discretion of the staff. The level of enforcement may also vary as deemed necessary by the staff.


# Nickname Location
01. ComputerTech Ireland
02. Peorth ur mam
03. Foxy USA
04. trip USA
05. rails Austrailia
06. Worm USA
07. MAGIC Germany
08. End3r USA



DuckHunt Game Commands
Command Description
!bang Command used to shoot a duck. Don’t forget that sometimes, mistakes happen and you can miss the ducks… Or worse.
!reload Reloads or unjams your weapon. You must have chargers left if you want to reload. They are given back for free everyday, but you can also buy them in the shop.
!shop [item] Buy items to assist you with duckhunt.
!lastduck Displays the last seen duck
!duckstats Gets your or other player hunting statistics

For more details about DuckHunt please see #DuckHunt

Access Levels

Admin 1000
Op 100
Halfop 50
Voice 2