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Revision as of 16:17, 13 December 2021 by ComputerTech (talk | contribs)
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   _  _      ____                                       _                   _____                 _     
 _| || |_   / ___|   ___    _ __ ___    _ __    _   _  | |_    ___   _ __  |_   _|   ___    ___  | |__  
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  |_||_|    \____|  \___/  |_| |_| |_| | .__/   \__,_|  \__|  \___| |_|      |_|    \___|  \___| |_| |_|


A channel for all normal topics and users

1. No Flooding, Spamming. Spamming and flooding is specified by Staff at the moment of time.
3. Any drama outside #ComputerTech, stays outside of it.
4. All rules and actions, can either be slackened or strengthened to the discretion of Staff.
5. No advertising without the permission of an Admin first.


# Nickname Location
01. ComputerTech Northern Ireland
02. Foxy USA
03. bandit USA
04. Suntop Norway
05. trip USA
06. rails Austrailia
07. Peorth USA



DuckHunt Game Commands
Command Description
!bang Command used to shoot a duck. Don’t forget that sometimes, mistakes happen and you can miss the ducks… Or worse.
!reload Reloads or unjams your weapon. You must have chargers left if you want to reload. They are given back for free everyday, but you can also buy them in the shop.
!shop [item] (for the list of items, please check DuckHunt's Website)
!lastduck Displays the last seen duck
!duckstats Gets your or other player hunting statistics

Access Levels

Admin 1000
Op 100
Halfop 50
Voice 2
                        Sail the 7 sea's
               Battle Port's and Monster's
      Wench's, Rum and Treasure is the life of a Pirate
             Wanna know more? Join #pirates