Channel Management 101

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Starting off...

So you managed to register a channel, but didn't get the results you were expecting?

  • Where's my ~ mark?
  • Why can't I give the & prefix to my trusted users?
  • And most of all... what is this crazy XOP business, anyway? I can't add users with numerical access levels anymore!

These seem to be the most common questions among our users who have registered a channel for their first time, so this post is here to guide you through the process to get what you were expecting.

Ownermode and Protectmode

To get these modes (owner = ~ / protect = &) enabled on your channel:

  • To enable ownermode: /msg ChanServ set #channel ownermode ON
  • To enable protectmode: /msg ChanServ set #channel protectmode ON

Managing Access

There are three different types of systems to manage who has access on your channel:

  • XOP

By default, your channel uses XOP since it is the simplest, so the other two aren't relevant unless you want more control.

Using the XOP system

The XOP system is the default form of access on Rizon.

Each user is listed under a certain level, which automatically grants them a status on the channel:

  • VOP corresponds to a +
  • HOP corresponds to a %
  • AOP corresponds to a @
  • SOP corresponds to a &

The XOP system only sets 4 fixed levels and makes for simple channel management. For more advanced channel management, see ACECSS below.

Viewing the XOP list

To look through the XOP list to see which user has what level, type:

/msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel LIST

Adding a VOP

/msg ChanServ VOP #channel ADD nick

All VOPs get a voice (+) in the channel upon entering it, and as a result will be able to chat in the channel even while the channel is moderated (channel mode +m).

Adding a HOP

/msg ChanServ HOP #channel ADD nick

All HOPs get a halfop (%) in the channel upon entering it, and will be allowed to kick/ban all users that have halfop status or below. They will also be able to give voice (+) and halfop (%) to other users, as well as taking it away. However, if the channel is set to paranoia (channel mode +p), they will not be able to kick other halfops, or fiddle around with +h/-h. They also have the power to set the channel topic, even if channel mode +t (topic lock) is set.

Adding a AOP

/msg ChanServ AOP #channel ADD nick

All AOPs get op (@) status in the channel upon entering it, and will be allowed to kick/ban all users that have op status or below. They will also be able to give voice (+), halfop (%), as well as op (@) to other users, and also have the power to take the mode away.

To add a user as a SOP

/msg ChanServ SOP #channel ADD nick

All SOPs get protectop (&) status in the channel upon entering it, and will be allowed to kick/ban all users that have op status or below. They will also be able to give voice (+), halfop (%), as well as op (@) to other users, and also have the power to take the mode away.

Additionally, protectops cannot be kicked from the channel, unless the kick is from the channel owner. SOPs can also modify the akick list (/msg chanserv HELP AKICK).

Important: Every level can add or delete people to levels below them, so a SOP can add VOP, HOP and AOPs, while a HOP can only add VOPs. The founder can change all levels.


The numerical level system, or ACCESS, gives more flexibility to the access list.

Each user is assigned a number (from 1 to 9999) and has dominance over another user with a lower number with complete disregard for the XOP level.

If you'd like to get rid of the XOP system in your channel altogether and change to the ACCESS system, all you must do is enter:

/msg ChanServ SET #channel ACCESSTYPE ACCESS

Adding user to ACCESS

To add a user to the access list: /msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel ADD nick level

Default Levels

voice = 3 (+)

halfop = 4 (%)

op = 5-9 (@)

protect / s(uper)op / admin = 10-9999 (&)

Changing Level Meaning

The powerful thing about the ACCESS system is that you can change what number is required to use a specific feature.

To view a list of features: /msg ChanServ HELP LEVELS DESC

To view the current levels list: /msg ChanServ LEVELS #channel LIST

Changing required access level for a feature: /msg ChanServ LEVELS #channel SET feature level

Disabling a feature (so only the founder can use it): /msg ChanServ LEVELS #channel DISABLE type

Resetting default levels: /msg ChanServ LEVELS #channel REST

Give auto-voice to all users joining the channel (XOP must be disabled for this to work) : /msg ChanServ LEVELS #channel SET autovoice 0


This is the most powerful of all the systems, but also the most complex.



When you own a channel, you are able to bring in a Rizon-provided bot.

Start by looking through the botlist for any specific bot you want assigned: /msg BotServ BOTLIST

Once you find one that you like, assign it with: /msg BotServ ASSIGN #channel BotNickHere

Wrapping Up

There are many other channel modes you can set, feel free to take a look at Channel Modes.

There are all sorts of neat and useful things that can be done with ChanServ. To learn more, type

/msg ChanServ help

which covers everything in this document and more.

Regarding the addition of Trivia/Quotes/LimitServ/Stats in your channel, take a look at Rizon Games.

Regarding the addition of Syntax in your channel, take a look at Syntax.

Channel Management 102

For further reading on Channel Management, please read Channel Management 102

Contributed by kokizzzle